About me
Dr. Daniela Lempertz is an EMDR Europe certified EMDR trainer (children & adolescents). She trains licensed EMDR psychotherapists to become EMDR clinicians for children and adolescents. She is founding member of the Global Child EMDR Alliance (2020) and the network Soforthilfe Psyche (2021) and researches in the field of trauma therapy for children and adolescents. She is a board member of Emdria e.V. Germany, the German professional society of EMDR therapists (www.emdria.de).
Dr. Daniela Lempertz – Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist
(Behavioural therapy, Gestalt therapy, EMDR)
Special psychotrauma therapy with children and adolescents (DeGPT)
Supervisor (LPK Rheinland-Pfalz)
EMDR-Supervisor (Emdria e.V.)
C&A EMDR trainer (EMDR Europe accredited)
This is important to me
The EMDR training to become an EMDR therapist for children and adolescents is subject to the European and internationally defined standards for EMDR training, as defined in the guidelines for the certification of EMDR trainings in Europe (www.emdr-europe.org).
Systemic view
In psychotherapeutic work with children and adolescents, the systemic consideration of the child in the context of the family, other caregivers, socialization instances such as kindergarten, school and work/study is indispensable. Each child comes with his story and – often unconsciously – with the story and experiences of his caregivers.
From the Latin of ‚creare‘, cause to create something new and imaginative. Like working with children and young people: always new, always original, always creative, always imaginative.
What the head (thoughts) says, the heart feels (emotions) and the body (feeling) wants to express.
EMDR was developed by Francine Shapiro at the end of the 1980s. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing literally means: Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing and derives from the original stimulation form of eye movements.
The underlying theoretical model is the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model, which was developed by Shapiro on the basis of observations.
If you would like to get started directly with Dr. Daniela Lempertz or have any questions about the seminars or training as a EMDR child and adolescent psychotherapist, please just get in touch.
Our team is looking forward to hearing you!