Grounding techniques for children in difficult times
15. September, von 16 – 17.30 Uhr
In times of prolonged, stress-related overexcitation of the brain, such as after disasters or after/during a war, our alarm system, the amygdala, is constantly activated. Other areas of the brain, such as the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for processing information and experiences, cannot work as they should. Due to their age and development, children have less ability than adults to process information cognitively and emotionally.
Playful grounding techniques can help children and their caregivers to enlarge and stabilize their window of tolerance (Daniel Siegel 1999). The ability to quickly reorient themselves in the here and now is supported and space is created to process stressful events.
The event is designed for child and adolescent psychotherapists, psychological psychotherapists, medical psychotherapists and related professional groups.
Registration for the seminar
The seminar will take place online on September 15, 2025, registration at info@emdr-ausbildung-traumatherapie.de
Costs: 90,-€ per participant
Certification of the seminar by the LPK Rheinland-Pfalz has been applied for.